Monday 19 November 2012

Pop Up Light

Recevoir une lampe dans une enveloppe, c’est désormais possible grâce à cette superbe initiative de Well Well Designers. Cette création « Pop Up Light » permet d’avoir une lampe avec une forme géométrique en papier à plier au design simple et coloré. Une belle idée à découvrir dans la suite.
Pop Up Light8 Pop Up Light7 Pop Up Light6 Pop Up Light5 Pop Up Light4 Pop Up Light3 Pop Up Light2 Pop Up Light9 Pop Up Light10 

Monday 12 November 2012

世界上第一台3D照片打印机:Omote 3D

世界上第一台3D照片打印机:Omote 3D:
世界上第一台3D照片打印机:Omote 3D

来自日本一家名为Omote 3D公司(官网)的技术,他们研发除了世界上第一台3D照片打印机,并打算在今年的11月24日起,在日本原宿的Eye of Gyre展厅展出,直到明年1月13日。期间,游客可以前往尝试,拍摄照片之后,将照片处理成三维模型——当然,这种领先于时代的服务,价格也不便宜,打印一个小型(10厘米高,20克重)的模型就要264美元,而中等大小(15厘米高,50克重)的要403美元,大型(20厘米高,200克重)的,哦,则需要528美元。

[ via ]

studio klass: ceramic accessories for the individual

studio klass: ceramic accessories for the individual
a ceramic accessory collection conceived and designed for individual purposes.
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yonoh: arc chair

yonoh: arc chair
made from bent steel tubing and bent plywood, the chair is based on the ergonomic proportions of the human dorsum.

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Hatcham chair by Samuel Wilkinson for Decode

Hatcham chair by Samuel Wilkinson for Decode
London Design Festival: London-based industrial designer Samuel Wilkinsonhas designed stackable wooden seating evoking traditional school furniture for Decode London.

Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira

The sinuous and segmented design of the bridge winds above the valley, along a distance of about 220m. The central takes a path perpendicular to the line of the valley. The other two sections are inflected and oriented towards their anchoring points. The connection between the two points is no longer the shortest distance between them. The tense geometry of its layout interferes with visual orientation and with the perception of dominating heights of “serra da estrela”, on one side, and with the vastness of “cova da beira” on the other.
This way the Portuguese architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça describes the Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira. He developed it with a double curve to increase delicacy of the plain and smart design, being less rectilinear. I also would like to emphasize the continuity of the line horizontal to the two central columns, which makes it more singular for me.
The interior deserves a mention too, with a great finish made in a very resistant wood-polymer composite, hiding a smooth illumination at night that you can see through this video.
Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 01 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 02 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 03 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 04 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 05 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 06 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 07 Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira Stream 08